HRD Review - Biomarker Heatmap

In the Homologous Recombination Deficiency (HRD) Biomarker review, biomarkers were extracted from prostate cancer clinical trials. provides an open access repository of every review decision. This vignette shows how to build the heatmap generated for the publication.

Get the data

get_answers(81395) gets raw data from project 81395, list_answers organizes that into a list of tables.

tbls <- rsr::get_answers(81395) |> rsr::list_answers()
#> list(basic=<tbl>,biomarker=<tbl>,...)

The basic table links articles (eg. aid 1781738) to basic label data (logical, string, category). In this project, a basic label describes article trial identifiers (eg NCT01682772):

tbls$basic |> 
  mutate(nct=unlist(`NCT Trial ID`)) |> 
#>        aid nct        
#> 1 11781750 NCT01682772
#> 2 11781738 NCT02854436

The other named values in get_answer_list are group labels, which are themselves tables. Here, the biomarker table describes which trials evaluated which genes.

tbls$biomarker |> 
  mutate( |> 
#>        aid
#> 1 11781738 BRCA1 
#> 2 11781738 BRCA2 

Extracted tables can be joined by article aid. Here, joined basic/biomarker tables link trials and biomarkers. ggplot2::geom_tile can then quickly visualize which trials use which biomarkers.

join.tb = tbls$basic |> 

# ggplot(join.tb,
#   aes(x=bmkr, y=study, fill=elig)) + 
#   geom_tile() + …

Build the heatmap

A bit more processing of the above tables and ggplot can generate a heatmap. Unfold the code to see how it is done.

joint = tbls$basic |> 
  inner_join(tbls$biomarker,by="aid") |> 
  select(aid, study=short_name,, eli=eligibility) |> 
  purrr::modify(~ unlist(.,recursive = T))

top10 = joint |> group_by(bmkr) |> summarize(s = n_distinct(study)) |> 
  slice_max(n=13,order_by=s,with_ties = F)

ptb = joint |> 
  inner_join(top10,by="bmkr") |> 
  mutate(bmkr  = fct_rev(fct_infreq(bmkr)))  |> 
  mutate(study = fct_infreq(study)) |>
  complete(bmkr, study, fill=list(eli="none")) |> 
  mutate(eli = ifelse(eli=="sufficient","measured",eli)) |> 
  mutate(eli = factor(eli,levels=c("none","required_negative","measured"))) |> 
  mutate(eli = fct_recode(eli,
                          exclude          ="required_negative",
ggplot(ptb,aes(x=study, y=bmkr, fill=eli)) +
  geom_tile(col="white",size=0.5) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#161616","#4C9605","#CC2C11")) + 
  theme(text = element_text(size=12),
        panel.background = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90,hjust=1), 
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "top") + 
  ylab("") + xlab("")

This is 90% of the way there, visit to learn the rest.