Prostate Specific Antigen Forest Plot

The BAWTO publication forest-plots describe prostate response rates as a function of biomarker. This vignette domonstrates how those figures are constructed. These figures can be updated in a live fashion as data is added to the relevant projects.

Get the Data

The construction of psatbl can be viewed at Here, a cached version is loaded for brevity and reproducibility. The below table shows the trials, biomarkers, and treatments that were tracked. The full table also includes patient counts and response rate data used in the next section.

psatbl <- readRDS(url(""))
DT::datatable(psatbl |> select(trial=short_name,biomarker,treatment) |> distinct())

Build the figures

After extracting a resposne rate table (partially displayed above), the meta package provides metaprop for building proportion analysis and forest for displaying a forest plot result.

pdf   <- psatbl |> rename(event=num_response.x, n=num_patients.x) |> mutate(rate=event/n)
m.gen <- metaprop(event,n, studlab=biomarker, data=pdf, title="PSA Response")
left.labs  <- c("short_name","biomarker","biomarker_modifier","treatment")
right.labs <- c("rate","num_patients")

  sortvar = pdf$row,
  subgroup = T, print.subgroup.labels = T,               # Subgroups
  xlim=c(0.0,1.0),                                       # X axis limits = pdf$lcolor,col.square = pdf$lcolor,        # colors
  col.square.lines = "black",col.label.left = "red", # more colors
  comb.fixed = F, comb.random = F,                 # pooling effects (disabled)
  leftlabs  = left.labs,  leftcols  = left.labs,   # column labels
  rightlabs = right.labs, rightcols = right.labs,  # column labels
  smlab="PSA Response" # title

Unfortunately the meta package generates some difficult to work with figures. Below is a cached png of the manipulated above output.

That's it! To learn more about how the data for this figure was built, visit