Tree Partitioning Survival Models

This notebook relies on clinDF and biomDF which are computed in the analysis notebook. Those values are loaded here. Everything else is computed in this notebook.

## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.1 ──
## ✔ ggplot2 3.3.5     ✔ purrr   0.3.4
## ✔ tibble  3.1.6     ✔ dplyr   1.0.8
## ✔ tidyr   1.2.0     ✔ stringr 1.4.0
## ✔ readr   2.1.2     ✔ forcats 0.5.1
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
library(reshape2) # melt (should replace with pivot_longer)
## Attaching package: 'reshape2'
## The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':
##     smiths
library(partykit) # model based partitioning
## Loading required package: grid
## Loading required package: libcoin
## Loading required package: mvtnorm
library(survival) # survival analysis
library(ggparty)  # plot model based partitioning
library(ggkm)     # plot kaplan-meier curves devtools::install_github("sachsmc/ggkm")
## Loading required package: scales
## Attaching package: 'scales'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     discard
## The following object is masked from 'package:readr':
##     col_factor

clinDF <- readRDS(url(""))
biomDF <- readRDS(url(""))

getHazardRatio = function(x,digitsval=5){
  x                <- summary(x)
  HR               <- signif(x$coef[2], digits=digitsval)
  HR.confint.lower <- signif(x$[,"lower .95"],digitsval)
  HR.confint.upper <- signif(x$[,"upper .95"],digitsval)
  return(gsub("0\\.",".",paste0(HR, " ", HR.confint.lower, "-", HR.confint.upper, "")))

getHazardRatioNum = function(x){
  x     <- summary(x)
  HR    <- signif(x$coef[1,2], digits=5);#exp(beta)
  lower <- signif(x$[1,"lower .95"],5)
  upper <- signif(x$[1,"upper .95"],5)
  SE    <- (log(upper)-log(lower))/(2*1.96)
  return(list(HR=HR,logHR = log(HR), lower=lower, upper=upper, se=SE))
cDF  <- lapply(names(clinDF),function(name){clinDF[[name]] |> mutate(trial=name)}) |> 
  dplyr::bind_rows() |> 
  select(trial,patient_id, pfs=pfs_months, censored, treatment)

bDF  <- dplyr::bind_rows(biomDF) |> 
  mutate(value = ifelse(value %in% c("none","normal","FALSE","WT"),"normal",ifelse(,"normal","altered"))) |> 
  inner_join(cDF,by="patient_id") |> 
  mutate(variable = as.character(variable)) |> 
  mutate(treatment = ifelse(treatment == "abiraterone", "AAP",treatment)) |> 
  mutate(treatment_class = ifelse(treatment %in% c("AAP","enzalutamide"),"ARD","PARPi"))

modelDF <- bDF |> 
  reshape2::dcast(patient_id + pfs + censored + treatment + trial + treatment_class ~ variable,value.var="value") |> 
  mutate(progressed = ifelse(censored == "progressed",1,0)) |> 
  mutate_at(vars(-patient_id,-pfs,-censored,-trial,-progressed),as.factor) |> 
  select(-censored) |> rename(NKX3_1 = `NKX3-1`)

cox <- function(y, x, start = NULL, weights = NULL, offset = NULL, ... ) {
  x <- x[, -1]
  coxph(formula = y ~ x)

# simple function to generate ggparty plots
party_node <- function(data,mapping){
  data$pfs = data[,'Surv(pfs, progressed).time']
  data$progressed = data[,'Surv(pfs, progressed).status']
  HR = coxph(Surv(pfs,progressed) ~ treatment_class,data=data) |> getHazardRatio(digits=2)
  pats = nrow(data)
  ggplot(data,aes_string(time="pfs",status="progressed",color="treatment_class")) + geom_km() + 
    theme(legend.position="none") + xlab("") + ylab("")

mob_partyfn <- function(mobmod,survname){
  splitLabs = apply(ggparty(mobmod)$data,1,function(row){
    il = row$info_list
    sprintf("%s-%s\nHR=%s",row$splitvar,il$nobs,il$object |> getHazardRatio(digitsval = 2))
  HRS <- lapply(ggparty(mobmod)$data$info_list,function(il){
    sprintf("n=%s HR=%s",il$nobs,il$object |> getHazardRatio(digitsval = 2))
  ggparty(mobmod) +
    geom_edge() +
    geom_edge_label(size=3) +
    geom_node_label(size=3,aes(label = splitLabs), ids = "inner") +
    geom_node_plot(plot_call = "party_node",gglist=list(),ids = "terminal",shared_axis_labels = T,shared_legend=F) +
    geom_node_label(size=3,aes(label = HRS),
                    fontface = "bold",
                    ids = "terminal",
                    nudge_y = 0.01,nudge_x = 0.015) 

3A Simple combined model

comb.train = modelDF |> filter(trial == "chinnaiyan" | trial == "chi")

comb.highcount <- comb.train |> 
  select(-treatment) |> 
  melt(id.vars=c("patient_id","pfs","treatment_class","progressed","trial")) |>
  mutate(variable=as.character(variable)) |> 
  filter(! |> 
  group_by(variable,value,treatment_class) |> 
  summarise(measured = n(),n_trials=n_distinct(trial),trials=paste(unique(trial),collapse=",")) |> ungroup() |> 
  group_by(variable) |> 
  summarise(mincount = min(measured),dist_val = n_distinct(value,treatment_class),trials=max(n_trials)) |> 
  ungroup() |> 
  filter(mincount>9,dist_val==4,trials==2) |> 
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables; they will be
## dropped
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'variable', 'value'. You can override using
## the `.groups` argument.
comb.highcount.genes = unique(comb.highcount$variable)
comb.highcount |> group_by(variable) |> summarize(mincount = min(mincount))
## # A tibble: 4 × 2
##   variable mincount
##   <chr>       <int>
## 1 AR             23
## 2 BRCA2          10
## 3 PTEN           21
## 4 TP53           18
formula = as.formula(sprintf("Surv(pfs,progressed) ~ treatment_class | %s",paste(comb.highcount.genes,collapse="+")))
mb  <- mob(formula = formula, data = comb.train, fit=cox,
  control = partykit::mob_control(bonferroni = F,alpha=1.0,minsize = 15,maxdepth = 5))
res <- mob_partyfn(mb)
fig3A <- res 
bDF |> group_by(variable,value,treatment_class) |> count() |> ungroup() |> 
  complete(variable,value,treatment_class,fill=list(n=0)) |> 
  group_by(variable) |> summarize(min_patients = min(n)) |> 
  filter(min_patients > 10)
## # A tibble: 7 × 2
##   variable    min_patients
##   <chr>              <int>
## 1 AR                    23
## 2 ATM                   17
## 3 BRCA1                 11
## 4 BRCA2                 27
## 5 ETS_Fusions           14
## 6 PTEN                  21
## 7 TP53                  18
mdf2.1 <- modelDF |> select(-treatment,-any) |> 
  mutate_at(vars(-patient_id,-pfs,-progressed,-treatment_class,-trial),.funs=as.character) |>
  mutate_at(vars(-patient_id,-pfs,-progressed,-treatment_class,-trial),.funs=~ifelse(,"normal",.)) |> 
  mutate(`cell_cycle` = ifelse(TP53=="altered" | RB1=="altered" | MDM2=="altered" | CDKN2A=="altered" | 
                                 MYC=="altered" | CCND1=="altered","altered","normal")) |> 
  mutate(`PI3K_pathway` = ifelse(PTEN=="altered" | PIK3R1=="altered" | PIK3CA=="altered" | 
                                   PIK3CB=="altered" | AKT1=="altered","altered","normal")) |> 
  mutate(`WNT_pathway` = ifelse(APC=="altered" | CTNNB1=="altered" | RNF43=="altered","altered","normal")) |> 
  mutate(`DNA_repair` = ifelse(BRCA2=="altered" | BRCA1=="altered" | ATM=="altered" | CDK12=="altered" | MSH2=="altered" | 
                                 MSH6=="altered" | MLH1 == "altered" | FANCA == "altered","altered","normal")) |> 
  mutate(`AR_associated` = ifelse(FOXA1=="altered" | FOXP1=="altered" | ZBTB16=="altered" | AR == "altered","altered","normal")) |> 
  mutate(`Chromatin_modifiers` = ifelse(KMT2C=="altered" | KMT2D=="altered" | CHD1=="altered" | KDM6A=="altered","altered","normal"))

anyDF <- mdf2.1 |> data.table::setDT() |> 
  melt(id.vars=c("patient_id","pfs","treatment_class","progressed","trial")) |> 
  group_by(patient_id) |> summarise(any = ifelse(sum(value == "altered",na.rm = T)>2,"altered","normal")) |> ungroup()

mdf2 <- mdf2.1 |> inner_join(anyDF,by="patient_id")  |>

highcount <- mdf2 |> 
  data.table::setDT() |> 
  melt(id.vars=c("patient_id","pfs","treatment_class","progressed","trial")) |> 
  group_by(variable,value,treatment_class) |> summarize(patients=n_distinct(patient_id)) |> ungroup() |>
  complete(variable,value,treatment_class,fill=list(patients=0)) |> 
  group_by(variable) |> summarize(min_patients = min(patients)) |> 
  arrange(min_patients) |> 
  filter(min_patients > 10)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables; they will be
## dropped
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'variable', 'value'. You can override using
## the `.groups` argument.
highcount.genes <- setdiff(unique(highcount$variable),c("DRD","HRDc","DRD_del"))
##  [1] "BRCA1"         "ATM"           "TP53"          "ETS_Fusions"  
##  [5] "cell_cycle"    "PTEN"          "AR"            "PI3K_pathway" 
##  [9] "any"           "AR_associated" "BRCA2"         "DNA_repair"
formula = as.formula(sprintf("Surv(pfs,progressed) ~ treatment_class | %s",paste(highcount.genes,collapse=" + ")))

risks <- list()
models <- list()

pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total=10)
for(i in 1:10){
  mb  <- mob(formula = formula,data=mdf2,fit=cox,
             control = mob_control(bonferroni = F,alpha=1.0,minsize = 5,mtry = 5))
  res <- mob_partyfn(mb)
  nod  <-,mdf2,type="node")
  HRDF <- lapply(res$data$info_list,function(il){(il$object |> getHazardRatioNum())$HR}) |> unlist()
  models[[i]] = mb
  risks[[i]] = round(HRDF[nod],3)
## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.
## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.

## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.

## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.

## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.
## Error in chol.default(meat) : 
##   the leading minor of order 1 is not positive definite
## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.

## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.
## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Ran out of iterations and did not converge
## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.

## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.

## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.

## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.

## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.

## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.

## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.
## Error in chol.default(meat) : 
##   the leading minor of order 1 is not positive definite
## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.

## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.
## Error in chol.default(meat) : 
##   the leading minor of order 1 is not positive definite
## Error in chol.default(meat) : 
##   the leading minor of order 1 is not positive definite
## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.
## Error in chol.default(meat) : 
##   the leading minor of order 1 is not positive definite
## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.
## Error in chol.default(meat) : 
##   the leading minor of order 1 is not positive definite
## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.

## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.
## Error in chol.default(meat) : 
##   the leading minor of order 1 is not positive definite
## Error in chol.default(meat) : 
##   the leading minor of order 1 is not positive definite
## Warning in, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
## Loglik converged before variable 1 ; coefficient may be infinite.
m <-,risks) |> (function(m){m[which(m>100)]<-NA;m})()
result <- mdf2
result$risk <-,risks) |> (\(m){m[which(m>7)]<-NA;m})() |>  rowMeans(na.rm = T) + rnorm(n=nrow(mdf2))/1000

r = result |> group_by(risk) |> count() |> mutate(pr = n/nrow(mdf2)) |> ungroup() |> arrange(risk) |> mutate(cumn = cumsum(n),cump = cumsum(pr))
lorisk = (r |> filter(cump > 0.275) |> arrange(risk))$risk[1] + 0.0001
merisk = (r |> filter(cump > 0.66) |> arrange(risk))$risk[1] + 0.0001
## # A tibble: 334 × 5
##     risk     n      pr  cumn    cump
##    <dbl> <int>   <dbl> <int>   <dbl>
##  1 0.168     1 0.00299     1 0.00299
##  2 0.258     1 0.00299     2 0.00599
##  3 0.301     1 0.00299     3 0.00898
##  4 0.301     1 0.00299     4 0.0120 
##  5 0.302     1 0.00299     5 0.0150 
##  6 0.313     1 0.00299     6 0.0180 
##  7 0.315     1 0.00299     7 0.0210 
##  8 0.358     1 0.00299     8 0.0240 
##  9 0.409     1 0.00299     9 0.0269 
## 10 0.436     1 0.00299    10 0.0299 
## # … with 324 more rows
## [1] 0.6351246
# cache the result so we can stop rebuilding.
# save.image("./cache.obj/mobforest.image")

plotDF <- result |> 
  mutate(BRCA2 = ifelse(BRCA2=="altered","PARPi strong preference","no preference")) |> 
  mutate(model = ifelse(risk < lorisk,"PARPi strong preference",ifelse(risk<merisk,"PARPi weak preference","no preference"))) |> 
  select(BRCA2,model,pfs,progressed,treatment_class,risk) |> 
  data.table::setDT() |> 
  melt(id.vars=c("pfs","progressed","treatment_class","risk")) |> 
  mutate(value = factor(value,levels=c("no preference","PARPi weak preference","PARPi strong preference"))) |> 
  mutate(coxHR = case_when(
    variable=="BRCA2" & value == "PARPi strong preference" ~ 
      coxph(Surv(pfs,progressed)~treatment_class,result |> filter(BRCA2=="altered")) |> getHazardRatio(digitsval = 2),
    variable=="BRCA2" & value == "no preference" ~ 
      coxph(Surv(pfs,progressed)~treatment_class,result |> filter(BRCA2!="altered")) |> getHazardRatio(digitsval = 2),
    variable=="model" & value == "PARPi strong preference" ~ 
      coxph(Surv(pfs,progressed)~treatment_class,result |> filter(risk < lorisk)) |> getHazardRatio(digitsval = 2),
    variable=="model" & value == "PARPi weak preference" ~ 
      coxph(Surv(pfs,progressed)~treatment_class,result |> filter(risk < merisk, risk > lorisk)) |> getHazardRatio(digitsval = 2),
    variable=="model" & value == "no preference" ~ 
      coxph(Surv(pfs,progressed)~treatment_class,result |> filter(risk>=merisk)) |> getHazardRatio(digitsval = 2)
  )) |> mutate(coxHR = sprintf("HR = %s",coxHR)) |> 
  group_by(variable,value) |> mutate(prev = n()/nrow(m)) |> ungroup() |> mutate(text = sprintf("%s\nprev=%.1f%%",coxHR,prev*100))

fig3D <- ggplot(plotDF,aes(time=pfs,status=progressed,color=treatment_class)) + 
  geom_km() + geom_kmticks() + geom_kmband() + 
  geom_text(data=plotDF |> select(variable,value,text) |> distinct() |>
              mutate(pfs=1,progressed=1,x=20,y=0.8),aes(x=x,y=y,label=text),color="black") + 
  facet_grid(variable~value) + theme_bw() + ylab("")  + xlab("")

3B Chinnaiyan

chinn.train = modelDF |> filter(trial=="chinnaiyan") |> mutate(treatment_class=treatment)
chinn.highcount <- chinn.train |> 
  select(-treatment_class,-trial) |> 
  melt(id.vars=c("patient_id","pfs","treatment","progressed")) |>
  mutate(variable=as.character(variable)) |> 
  filter(! |> 
  group_by(variable,value,treatment) |> 
  summarise(measured = n()) |> ungroup() |> 
  group_by(variable) |> 
  mutate(mincount = min(measured),dist_val = n_distinct(value,treatment)) |> ungroup() |> 
  filter(dist_val==4,mincount>10) |>
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables; they will be
## dropped
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'variable', 'value'. You can override using
## the `.groups` argument.
chinn.genes = unique(chinn.highcount$variable)
## [1] "TP53"        "PTEN"        "ETS_Fusions" "AR"
formula = as.formula(sprintf("Surv(pfs,progressed) ~ treatment_class | %s",paste(chinn.genes,collapse="+")))
mb2 <- mob(formula = formula, data = chinn.train, fit=cox,control = mob_control(bonferroni = F,alpha=1.0,minsize = 20))
fig3B <- mob_partyfn(mb2) 

3D Building populations

Which populations benefit from PARPi who don't have a BRCA2 mutation? who don't have an HRD mutation?

HRD.vs.model <- result |>  
  mutate(`HRD/DRD` = ifelse(BRCA2=="altered" | BRCA1=="altered" | ATM=="altered" | CDK12=="altered" | MSH2=="altered" | 
                                 MSH6=="altered" | MLH1 == "altered" | FANCA == "altered","HRD","NO HRD")) |> 
  mutate(risk = ifelse(risk < 0.63,"model prefers PARP-i","model no preference"))

HR1 = coxph(
    HRD.vs.model |> filter(`HRD/DRD` == "HRD",risk=="model prefers PARP-i")) |>
  getHazardRatio(digitsval = 2)

HR2 = coxph(
    HRD.vs.model |> filter(`HRD/DRD` == "NO HRD",risk=="model prefers PARP-i")) |>
  getHazardRatio(digitsval = 2)

HR3 = coxph(
    HRD.vs.model |> filter(`HRD/DRD` == "HRD",risk=="model no preference")) |>
  getHazardRatio(digitsval = 2)

HR4 = coxph(
    HRD.vs.model |> filter(`HRD/DRD` == "NO HRD",risk=="model no preference")) |>
  getHazardRatio(digitsval = 2)

HRD.vs.model.HR = HRD.vs.model |> mutate(HR = case_when(
  `HRD/DRD` == "HRD"    & risk=="model prefers PARP-i" ~ HR1, 
  `HRD/DRD` == "NO HRD" & risk=="model prefers PARP-i" ~ HR2,
  `HRD/DRD` == "HRD"    & risk=="model no preference"  ~ HR3,
  `HRD/DRD` == "NO HRD" & risk=="model no preference"  ~ HR4
  )) |> mutate(HR = sprintf("HR = %s",HR))

fig3C <- ggplot(HRD.vs.model,aes(time=pfs,status=progressed,col=treatment_class)) + 
  geom_km() + geom_kmticks() +  geom_kmband() +
  geom_text(data=HRD.vs.model.HR |> select(`HRD/DRD`,risk,HR) |> distinct() |>
              mutate(pfs=1,progressed=1,x=20,y=0.8),aes(x=x,y=y,label=HR),color="black") +
  facet_grid(`HRD/DRD`~risk) + theme_bw() + 
  xlab("") + ylab("") + theme(legend.position = "none")

fig3A.clip <- wrap_elements(full = fig3A, clip = T)
fig3B.clip <- wrap_elements(full = fig3B, clip = T)
fig3C.clip <- wrap_elements(full = fig3C, clip = T)

(fig3A.clip + fig3B.clip + fig3D  + fig3C) + 
  plot_layout(nrow=2,ncol=2,heights=c(2,1),widths=c(3,2),guides="collect") +
  plot_annotation(tag_levels=list(c("A","B","C","D"))) & theme(legend.title = element_blank(),legend.position='bottom')